Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Ashley celebrates 1st Birthday with Family & Friends

After much observation, we have decided to hold Ashley's 1st Birthday party at home mainly because:
[1] Baby will be more comfortable at home.
[2] Avoid the shopping mall crowds on the weekend
[3] Eliminate the problem of NOT getting a parking spot at the malls since it is a Saturday
[4] SAVE $$$

It is actually quite pricey holding a birthday party at restaurants nowadays. The prices will range from RM30 onwards to RM70 or RM80 per person depending on the kind of food you request. For RM30 you will probably only get kiddy food like fried nuggest, fish balls and spaghetti and of course, the price increases if you opt for a more lavish buffet. Of course in exchange for the crappy food that they serve you for that ridiculous amount of money, you will get excellent deco and a great atmosphere for picture perfect memories.

Anyway, we only extended Ashley's birthday invitation to our family and close friends with babies (who will soon be Ashley's best friends).

We got her the Magic Mushroom House cake from Coffee Bean. It is actually a Chocolate Butter Cake which is very yummy.

Baby Ashley still wondering why is so many people clapping and cheering at her. *BLURRR*

Yes darling, you are ONE today!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my BABY!!! Daddy and Mommy loves you to bitssssss....

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