Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby Ashley's first swinging experience

Heading to Mission Bay with a visit to the Kelly Tarltons Underwater World was our initial plan. Weird enough upon arriving at the Kelly Tarltons Underwater World Carpark, no one was interested to go in. So we all ended up at the Mission Bay Park. And this is how Baby Ashley's first swinging experience came about.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

MY DEAR Warehouse Sale$$$

Came across a facebook page the other day announcing that there will be an upcoming warehouse sales for a baby product company called MY DEAR from the 30th June onwards. Since I was online anyway, I thought there would be no harm surfing their website to see what they have to offer. Lo and behold I saw the little battery powered replica of a MINI COOPER which is definitely a must have! (best of all IT IS ON SALE TOO!!!)

TA DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........................
Looks good? Baby Ashley had the choice of a red or yellow mini cooper. Well... *ahem* *ahem* she decided on the YELLOW - the next IN color.

The features are wonderful too. It comes with a working AM/FM radio, MP3 socket for you to plug in your MP3 player and head lights. There is an option of moving the car with a handheld remote control otherwise it also comes complete with forward and reverse gears and a foot operated accelerator where baby can drive him/herself around..

Will post more photos of Baby Ashley cruising in her new mini cooper ...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby Ashley's Favourite Cartoons

Baby Ashley is a true fan of the Special Agent OSO, Pocoyo and Pororo the Little Penguin cartoons.

We managed to get her the Pororo soft toy from 1Utama and she hugs the toy whenever she watches the Pororo cartoon. We tried looking for the Special Agent OSO and Pocoyo soft toy everywhere but couldn't seem to find it in any toy stores locally. In the end, I found it in amazon.com. At last, Baby Ashley will be getting her favourite cartoon characters when her grand uncle returns from the US in August. I am so excited for her.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Wayne!!!

Thank you for the invitation and door gifts. We had a blast!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tripping to Hong Kong - Leaving on a Jet Plane

A spontaneous decision set us off for a makan-trip to Hong Kong with Miss Ashley who just turned 13 months old.
Miss Ashley : Mama, I have packed and I am ready to go :)
Mummy : Darling, there is a baby bassinet especially for you on the plane
Miss Ashley : What?!? Now you tell me!!!

Just Mommy and Baby on the flight as Daddy will only be meeting us in Hong Kong after his business trip from US. Can't wait to see Daddy :D Although this is a short distance flight for Miss Ashley compared to her previous trip to New Zealand, I still had to ensure I had enough stuff to entertain a 13 month old for the 31/2 hour duration. So we brought along some new toys, some baby crackers and most importantly her ipad, her pacifier and her smelly pillow.

Well, I am a lucky Mommy. Miss Ashley fell asleep without any fuss as soon as we boarded the plane. The baby bassinet was a little small for Miss Ashley (only 30") so she had her feet sticking out. But I think sleeping in a bassinet is way more comfortable for her than having me holding her without any room to stretch.

The gourmet baby food for Miss Ashley provided by Cathay Pacific Airways but she slept the entire journey so we saved it for later. What coincidence that the written name on the food pack is BB (which is my online nickname) Wonder if they knew my online nickname was BB (such excellent customer service) or they refer to ALL Babies as BB. I guess it must be the latter. *wink*

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gong Xi Fa Cai to ALL

Ok... can I get back to my cartoons now ?!?!?!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Ashley celebrates 1st Birthday with Family & Friends

After much observation, we have decided to hold Ashley's 1st Birthday party at home mainly because:
[1] Baby will be more comfortable at home.
[2] Avoid the shopping mall crowds on the weekend
[3] Eliminate the problem of NOT getting a parking spot at the malls since it is a Saturday
[4] SAVE $$$

It is actually quite pricey holding a birthday party at restaurants nowadays. The prices will range from RM30 onwards to RM70 or RM80 per person depending on the kind of food you request. For RM30 you will probably only get kiddy food like fried nuggest, fish balls and spaghetti and of course, the price increases if you opt for a more lavish buffet. Of course in exchange for the crappy food that they serve you for that ridiculous amount of money, you will get excellent deco and a great atmosphere for picture perfect memories.

Anyway, we only extended Ashley's birthday invitation to our family and close friends with babies (who will soon be Ashley's best friends).

We got her the Magic Mushroom House cake from Coffee Bean. It is actually a Chocolate Butter Cake which is very yummy.

Baby Ashley still wondering why is so many people clapping and cheering at her. *BLURRR*

Yes darling, you are ONE today!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my BABY!!! Daddy and Mommy loves you to bitssssss....